Hello all,
Stay safe, stay positive should be our daily mantra right now.
People have contacted me asking what herbs or herbal formulas would be helpful against COVID-19. We are in uncharted waters in a very serious situation. Practitioners in every health field are looking for ways to be helpful, myself included. It is important that we follow the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations. But that does not mean you cannot do other things to augment these guidelines, provided they are coherent and complimentary. And… it is critically important that people stay positive.
![spread your wings, luna moth](https://i0.wp.com/teresawolfe.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/IMG_4435.jpg?resize=530%2C530&ssl=1)
Why? Your immune system is a crucial part of your body’s natural defense against any virus. Ample scientific evidence shows that staying happy and positive boosts the effectiveness of your immune system. Further, it costs nothing and can be done at home! Watch funny videos and uplifting movies. Play games. Get outside and revel in nature.
Look at pictures of newborns and baby animals.
Many people are learning new skills and expanding in areas they only dreamed about until now.
Your body is much more resistant to illness if you are happy. Address feelings of helplessness by reaching out to find ways to connect and help. If this is not for you, know that you are helping if you follow the WHO guidelines and stay at home!
There are many unknowns around COVID-19. It is a newly emerged virus that our immune systems are unfamiliar with. There has been no time to do research regarding which herbs, homeopathic remedies or other natural approaches will be effective and the consequences of misapplication too dire to take chances. Because of this, I feel that we, collectively, should diligently follow the recommendations of the world authorities, specifically the World Health Organization (https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/q-a-coronaviruses). These guidelines are based on what has worked with previous pandemic situations. Following the WHO guidelines gives the global community coherent collective data that they can monitor and adjust more easily if everyone is using the same protocol. It gives people a collective sense of “we’re all in this together” and, to a certain extent, can reduce anxiety because we are not confronted with someone doing something that we believe may compromise us and our families because we do not understand it.
I believe that what you look at/think about grows. This means that the more we focus on the pandemic, the more energy we add to it. Notice how your body responds when you open your emails and there are several COVID-19-related emails. Or when you turn on your TV and it is all over every channel. Does the adrenaline that is stimulated serve you? Is there a way to stay on top of what you need to know and not be infused continuously with alarm? Those that are obsessed with worry and fear flood their bodies with stress hormones and their adrenals and nervous systems suffer, all of which make the body more vulnerable to illness and disease. So stay positive!
You may have strong feelings about what you feel is right and wrong with how the government is addressing COVID-19. Focus on what you feel is right, what is going well. Look for positive evidence for these and other things that make you feel good about the world. Happy people have a stronger immune system.
Fear is the worst place to hang out emotionally right now. Please take that seriously.
Instead of ending conversations with telling people to “stay safe”, I suggest you encourage them to “stay positive”. My personal specific advice is “Deliberately focus on good feeling thoughts”. These are action statements that people can do something with (or not) and calls for them to be more aware of the thoughts they dwell upon.
It is important for all that we stay in the present moment, but especially for the heroes out there saving lives and keeping life safer for us all. You will notice that when fear grips you, it is usually related to something in the past or future. At each moment ask yourself: What can I do to be ok now? What can I do to be safe now? Am I able to handle what’s in front of me now?” Breathe in present moment security. Revel in it and allow it to calm the body and that is what you will create for the moment after that and the moment after that and the moment after that… Deliberately focusing on good feeling thoughts. This is a skill that takes time and effort to develop, but in time will come easily. Create good energy for each moment and you will navigate the pandemic more successfully.
My heart goes out to all those whose lives are compromised by their commitment to service. You are all heroes. I am deeply sorry for the stress on everyone everywhere right now.
On a more practical front, I will offer more specific information regarding what herbs and herbal formulas are helpful for nourishing, toning and strengthening the immune system and the nervous system. But first and foremost, my personal and expert advice to all is make it your primary focus to stay happy and positive. I FIRMLY believe that “A healthy you = a healthy planet.”
Alldayeveryday smiles, teresa
PS: Learn more about me here.